RIDER: Ana Colja (@anacolja)
LOCATION: Slovenia
BIKE: Suzuki DRZ 400SM and a BMW F800GS
How long have you been riding and what got you started?
I started riding in 2006 when I lived in Australia and continued riding in Los Angeles. I always loved motorcycles and F1 and only started thinking about actually riding when my twin brother started riding.. then for the longest time I wasn’t ready because I saw how much my parents got upset when he crashed. Finally I had to do it.. this was about my own happiness and I wasn’t going to let this go.
What do you like most about the dual-sport lifestyle?
I love this type of riding because it gives me more options..you can go on dirt and explore some beautiful places.. I LOVE nature and to be able to go on adventures and find awesome places on a bike is magical to me and meditation as well.
Pros / Cons about the bike(s)?
I love both bikes. I think they’re both great. It depends though if you connect with your bike and what type of riding you prefer. My supermoto is a really fun bike and my favorite. I have been able to avoid some serious crashes with this bike because it is so light and agile..so easy to ride and so much fun. The only thing I would change is power..it needs a little more. I love my BMW too..however comparing to my Suzuki I find it a little too heavy for me. BUT, it is a great bike for long distance riding. It’s great on dirt and street..i’ve done some canyon riding with the BMW and it was awesome. It is perfect for camping if you're into this kind of thing. It is a very capable bike and it looks awesome all loaded up, doesn't it?
Overall would you recommend the bike(s) to other people?
Yes! I recommend both bikes!
I haven’t really done any mods to the bikes except for the exhaust, different pegs and sprockets on my SM. I put crash bars, a wider foot-stand and a couple of small things on my BMW.
RIDER: Frye (@fryesvan)
BIKE: 1990 Yamaha xt350
What do you like most about the dual-sport lifestyle?
The dual sport is great because I can go from ripping on concrete to dirt in the snap of a finger, being able to ride street and dirt is huge for me. I love being 20 miles into the middle of nowhere and being able to ride into town.
How long have you been riding and what got you started?
When I was 6 my dad bought me a ttr70 which I ripped to shreds hitting backyard jumps, I’m 19 now.
Pros about the bike?
I'm a fan of older Dual Sports, generally easy to fix and not a whole lot that can break.
Cons about the bike?
It has a dual carburetor system. Instead of one carburetor with a pilot jet, it has a pilot carburetor that switches to the main after 5-10mph. It makes things more complicated than it should be!
Overall would you recommend the bike to other people?
Hell yeah dude, she’s a runner! Old 4 strokes are sturdy and get the job done! It's also nice not having to mix fuel.
Other than a top end rebuild she’s bone stock!
G A R A G E S E R I e S
RIDER: Chris Hunt (@huntca)
LOCATION: Portland, OR
How long have you been riding and what got you started?
My first motorcycle was a 2008 Yamaha TW200 and I bought it new the same year. I was living in Seattle at the time and thought it would be a fun way to spice up my commute. It never saw dirt or an oil change, but lasted me 10k miles as my only vehicle before I sold it for a Harley Sportster, later a Triumph Bonneville, then Tiger 800, a Yamaha WR250R, and finally the 2017 KTM 300 XC-W that I ride today.
What do you like most about the dual-sport lifestyle?
I was first attracted to trail riding because of how dang beautiful everything is once you get on a bike and ride for 15 minutes into the forest. It’s completely silent and there’s no signs, lights, garbage, or other people. It’s also the only time I don’t have internet access, which is kind of cool I think. The more I ride, the more I like this feeling and look for it. I get almost as much satisfaction from taking photos on the trails as I do from riding them.
Pros about the bike?
I like the light weight (230lbs), low vibrations, easy/cheap maintenance, and comfortable suspension. It’s the perfect bike for the challenging trails we have near home in Oregon. It also has a wide ratio transmission so it can hit highway speeds between trails. Although it doesn’t ship from KTM ‘street legal’, it wasn’t much work to get it ready and legal for the street. It’s a great dualsport for folks who prefer the dirt.
Cons about the bike?
It’s a newer two stroke, so it doesn’t like riding at steady speeds for long periods of time. On the road, I’ll often find myself bouncing between 40 and 60 mph with out even trying because it’s just what the bike wants to do. It’s not ideal for lengthy adventure trips and I sometimes dream of having the slightly longer-legged KTM 500. I think the correct solution here is to just get a second bike, but I’ve always owned a single bike and like trying to make it work.
Overall would you recommend the bike to other people?
Yes and I do all the time. I think the KTM 300 is one of the best bikes you can be riding when you’re on the trails. The 2017 and later models are even more desirable because improvements to the engine have made the bike vibrate less than almost any other bike in the same category (like the four stroke 250, 350, 500).